It is tough to determine how much your car insurance will or should cost. It depends on many factors such as car make and model, age, gender, location, driving history, required coverage etc. Car insurance companies see these factors and determine the cost to insure your car. Let’s see how these factors affects in determining car insurance cost in California.
Age- Cost of car insurance depends on your age. If you are under the age of 25 years, it could cost you high. But, if you are 25 or above it will cut your cost on your car insurance. And if you are senior citizen then it will cost you even more cheap. That is because the risk and the involvement in accidents are found high in youngsters rather than senior citizens. That’s why they get discount.
Driving Record- If you have good record of driving and don’t involve in any accidents or having less numbers of tickets will help you to get the insurance at low cost. Having bad driving record could make your premium upto $5000 or more. This is an important factor which insurance companies consider.
Type of Vehicle- It is also a factor to determine your car insurance. Driving expensive car will make your insurance cost high rather than driving inexpensive car. In case collision or accident happens so it is hard to get their accessories for imported cars. If you drive domestic car so it is easy to get repaired and recover. But, it is slightly tough for imported car. Therefore insurance companies ask for car model number, car price etc.
Coverage- Your required coverage will also determine your car insurance cost in California. The high coverage you want will make your premium expensive and the least coverage will make it cost low. If you require collision and comprehensive coverage then it increases the cost of insurance. If you want regular coverage such as liability and medical payment coverage then it reduces the cost.
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